#Exploit Title: MULTIPLE VULNERABILITIES ON TP-LINK # Date: [10-08-2017] # Exploit Author: [v.Dhanunjaya] # Vendor Homepage: [http://www.tp-link.in/] # AFFECTED FRIMWARE : TD-W8901G # Tested on: [Windows 10,ubuntu 14.04 LTS] # Email : vuppaladhani@gmail.com # Support : CRYPTONIC_RAPTURES TARGET : http://XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8080 VULNERABILITIES FOUND DEFAULT CREDENTIALS & AUTHENTICATION BYPASS 1) Default Admin Credentials According to the TD-W8901g manual the web interface has default credentials. Open a web browser (google chrome or firefox etc.), key in in the address bar and press enter. The default username and password are both aadmina (all in lower case) 2) AUTHENTICATION BYPASS A dangerous vulnerability present on many network devices which are using RomPager Embedded Web Server. Attacker is able to get your ISP password, wireless password and other sensitive information by issuing single HTTP GET request to a/rom-0a URI. Mentioned information disclosure is present in RomPager Embedded Web Server. Affected devices include ZTE, TP-Link, ZynOS, Huawei and many others. ->open the target address in your web Browser http://wwww.XXX.XXX.XXX.X:8080 ->Now add /rom-0 to your target address.Then a rom-0 file will be downloaded ->Now upload rom-0 file to the website http://www.routerpwn.com/zynos/ for decompression.Once it decoded you can get plain text passwords THANKYOU Regards, *V.DHANUNJAYA* *IT SECURITY AND CYBER FORENSICS ANALYST* [image: mobile] +91-8341312454 [image: email] vuppaladhanunjaya@outlook.com